Piano Lessons
So many try online tutorials.
So many develop bad habits and improper techniques.
So many try lessons at a store.
So many are then limited to the instructor's level of expertise.
Learn piano the right way!
Our instructors are highly trained and talented professionals.
Students who took lessons at stores or rock schools come to us when they want to learn more than just a few songs. We teach music so that you can take your knowledge and play any song you want, anytime you want.
Click on the arrow to hear Fur Elise by Beethoven
Piano Lessons For ages 5 & up.

It is ideal if you do have a piano at home before starting lessons, but you can start lessons with our piano teachers by using an electric keyboard to practice on. Most of our students rent or buy small electric keyboards practice on at home. We recommend a keyboard that has regular sized keys and a touch sensitive response. A touch sensitive keyboard means if you press a key harder it will play louder and if you press a key softer it will play quieter. Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, eBay & Reverb.com are good resources. It can be expensive to pay a piano mover (around $300), but worth it unless you have strong men, moving straps and a truck! (Which can be done!) If you purchase a baby grand or a grand piano, you'll want to have professionals move it and have it tuned by a qualified piano tuner after the piano settles into its new home.
Piano has traditionally been the most popular instrument to learn and we have great instructors ready to help you quickly play it! Whether you are interested in learning Mozart sonatas, Bach fugues or that cool synth keyboard part on Rush's "Tom Sawyer", we aim to be the best piano lesson experience in Denver!
Learning piano doesn't have to be hard! Our instructors are very warm, friendly, and patient and are ready to help you work on the most important aspects of becoming the piano player you've always wanted to be!
All of our piano lessons are taught by university trained teachers and they also have years of performing experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our teachers understand that every student is an individual, with personal musical needs and goals. We make it a priority to tailor how we teach and what we teach to your individual needs.
If you enroll here for piano lessons, your teacher will ask you about your favorite type of music, and set goals to help accomplish whatever musical aspirations you have for yourself or your child. Together, you will develop a plan to achieve your goals! We love beginners, so even if you don't know where to begin, we can help!
We teach all styles from classical, rock, pop, jazz, country, and blues. We combine the important fundamentals with the music YOU want to play.
Our piano instructors are highly qualified, all have teaching experience, and most importantly, they have a passion for teaching. Being a musician doesn't automatically make you a teacher--that's why we search for those who are best qualified for mentoring our music students!
We search the entire area for the top teachers, who embody the high values at Denver Academy of Musical Arts. Most importantly, our instructors strive to relate their teaching to each individual student's learning style. In addition to their teaching credentials, our teachers have warm personalities, are extremely friendly, and strive to get to know each student and their parent on a personal level. We search high and low for the BEST teachers, so you don't have to!
Our piano instructors are warm and friendly, and get to know each student and parent on a personal level. We work with you to craft a lesson plan that fits your individual needs and the student's favorite type of music. Whether you're playing in local bands, a seven year old taking their first lesson, or a fifty year old returning to the piano after many years, we’ll set goals to achieve your musical aspirations.
There is no set answer of how long it takes to learn to play. With regular practice a basic level of playing can be accomplished in a few months. Most of our students take lessons on a long term basis because they want to be constantly improving and they find the lessons enjoyable.
Yes. Even if you don't have a musical background you can ask the teacher for advice on how to help your child practice. By simply monitoring that they are doing exercises a certain number of times per day the student will progress. Parents will occasionally sit in on their child's music lesson to get an idea of the proper way a song should sound or how the student should be positioning their hands.
How to choose the right piano or keyboard for you.
Piano students must have a piano or keyboard to practice on. It can be a big investment and what if you aren't sure you or child will stick with it? In this case, we suggest looking for a used or new keyboard that isn't too expensive to start on.

Keyboards are portable and need a stand to hold it. Some do not have internal speakers. Those kind need an amplifier hooked up to it and an external pedal added. These kind are used musicians who play in a band.
Before buying a keyboard, you'll want to verify that it has internal speakers if you're just getting started.
Other factors to consider when buying a keyboard:
1. 88 keys is a standard sized keyboard. Beginners may use a 61 key keyboard but just be aware that they will eventually need a full sized keyboard.
2. Sustain pedals allow the sound to ring out while pressed down. This is important to be able to blend tones together Most digital pianos will have this built in like an acoustic piano, however, keyboards (without legs attached) will require a separate pedal that plugs into the back of the keyboard.
3. Touch sensitive keys allows the pianist to play louder or softer based on how hard the keys are pressed down. This is very important in order to learn technique and to be able to give the music expression.
Digital pianos have legs attached and have internal speakers and they already have pedasl attached as well. These are not designed to be portable. The more expensive the digital piano, the more bells and whistles is has (various sounds, rhythms and back up tracks) which are not necessary for beginners -but a lot of fun to play around with.
Other options to consider:

Acoustic pianos are made of wood and strings inside with lots of mechanical pieces to make felt hammers hit the strings. If you decide to purchase a used acoustic piano (doesn't plug in and it has strings), there are a couple of things to consider. An old piano may need a lot of work to get it to sound and play well. Just because it looks nice on the outside, doesn't mean the mechanics are in good condition. Acoustic pianos need to be tuned on a regular basis, especially considering Colorado's weather. Always hire a piano tuner or piano technician to take a look at the piano before purchasing it to make sure it doesn't turn into a money pit.
Grand or baby grand pianos are also acoustic. The strings are horizontal instead of vertical like upright pianos. These pianos are large and take up a lot of space. They also need to be tuned regularly and must be moved by professional piano movers. Depending on the brand, grand pianos can be a good investment and hold their value better than other types of pianos.

If you purchase a quality keyboard, digital piano or acoustic piano, you will get many years of enjoyment out of it. Just know that if you purchase a beginner keyboard that, much like a bike with training wheels, you will eventually outgrow it if you get serious about learning to play the piano. Just ask any of our piano teachers at Denver Academy of Musical Arts if you need recommendations.
It's easy to take the next step!
Lessons are first come, first serve
so contact us today to arrange
your first lesson!
call 720-708-3251
or text 720-908-0523
$35 / 30 minutes
Lessons are available six days a week, and scheduled once a week.
Denver Academy of Musical Arts has a one time materials and registration fee of $25 per student.
Lesson Hours
Monday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday. 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday. 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday. 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday. 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Saturday. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday. CLOSED
Piano lessons & classes for all ages in Denver Colorado!
Looking for Piano Lessons “near me”?
#1 choice in Denver CO!
Youth & adult piano lessons and classes. All skill levels!
Serving Cory Merrill, Wash Park, Belcaro, Glendale, Virginia Village, University Hills, Cherry Creek, Lowry and all over the Denver metro area.
Instruments & Instruction In:
Piano, Guitar (Acoustic, Electric, Ukulele, Bass), Voice & Singing, workshops and summer camps.
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