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APRIL 2024

Droplets on the Window
Denver Academy of Musical Arts April showers
Happy Spring!

Welcome our newest student: Benjamin Campbell

Student of the Month February/March 2024

DAMA did not award the Exceptional Student of the Month in February because Miss Michele was out of town. Therefore, February/March Student of the Month was chosen based on students' behavior and accomplishments in both February and March.


You will probably recognize him because he also won this award in October 2021. Eli Lintzenich has consistently practiced every week since his first lesson when he was only 4 years old! He's come a long way since he used to play with only 2 fingers! This month he mastered a very challenging Mozart piece that he has been working on for a couple of months. Check out the video to see what he's been up to and his advice for new piano students.




How to Win Student of the Month

• Focus during lessons

• Follow directions

• Have a good attitude

• Practice and come to lessons prepared

• Show initiative to learn and improve

• Attend at least 4 lessons in one month

• Be ready to perform the song you are working on

Are you doing everything right but you didn't get chosen for Student of the Month? Keep in mind there are over 50 students enrolled in DAMA and students who are chosen have worked exceptionally hard or have showed exceptional initiative. It's a difficult decision to  make and sometimes it comes down to whether students who have been working on a piece are ready to perform it yet or if they had to cancel lessons during the month. It is not about who is the most talented or who has the most potential. It is about honoring the student who stood out because of their work ethic,  attitude and  initiative. Be sure to talk with your teacher if you have questions or concerns.

Denver Academy of Musical Arts Practice Derby

1ST PLACE: Helen Alexander

2ND PLACE: Simon Woods

3RD PLACE: Brendan Kwong






1st ticket = $25

Max Hoffman

2nd ticket= $15

Jasper Sassi

3rd ticket = $5

Lila Helffenstein


Thank you to Kaya for picking the raffle

tickets this month.

Denver Academy of Musical Arts winning raffle tickets
Denver Academy of Musical Arts 20 Club Winners
Denver Academy of Musical Arts 20 Club Winner Rose D.

Miss Rose Das

Earned 96 tickets in Feb/Mar 24 which is 48 hours. That is 24 hours per month!


Nice work Rose! Keep up the great work!!

Denver Academy of Musical Arts Raffle Tickets chosen

1st ticket = $25

Elea Grant

2nd ticket= $15

Brendan Kwong

3rd ticket = $5

Eli Lintzenich


Thank you to Lukas for picking the raffle

tickets this month.

We picked 6 tickets this month because there was no raffle last month. 

Denver Academy of Musical Arts Win the Pin Frogs
Denver Academy of Musical Arts Win the Pins

Win the Pin!

A New Weekly Incentive

  • Students will be given a music worksheet to take home each week based on their level of understanding.


  • The worksheets are designed so that students may need to research the answers or get help from parents.


  • Topics include: Music Theory, Music History, Composers and Music Trivia.


  • The worksheets are not mandatory but those who choose to complete them will be entered into a weekly drawing.


  • Students who get more than 2 answers wrong on the worksheet will not be eligible for that week's drawing. Blank answers = an incorrect answer.)


  • The winner will get to choose a pin of their choice to keep.


  • Check out all the new pins!


  • Fun to wear on your jacket or put them on your book bag or music bag.

March Birthdays

Isla Bachman 3/2

Matthew Goodman 3/6

Quinn Luscia 3/13

Mikayla Johnson 3/15

Denver Academy of Musical Arts announces birthdays


Leo Cole 4/1

Leo Jasper 4/11

Rose Das 4/24

Rowen Flood 4/24

Sadie Helffenstein 4/24

Gwenn Hegel 4/27




Spring Recital

Sunday, May 19th

Time TBD 


Recital Rehearsal

Friday, May 17th 6pm

Saturday, May 18th 1pm

Memorial Day

May 27th

Closed- No lessons


Summer Session Begins

June 1 - August 18th

There are no raffles or awards until September.

Students may cancel 2 lessons at no charge.

(Please let your child's teacher know the dates as soon as possible.)


End of Summer Pizza Party/Concert

August 11

Time TBD

Denver Academy of Musical Arts

From Miss Michele's Bench

It's SO good to be back into my routine! I want to thank you all for being so understanding when I had to cancel lessons these last few months. It has been a difficult journey and, although I'm still working through the grief from my mom's passing, you and your child's presence in my life has been such a blessing!


The circle of life is in full force in my family. I'm expecting my third grandchild any second now! I picture my mom at heaven's gate handing the baton to the next little one joining our family. :)


Our Spring Recital is coming up in May so there's only 7 more lessons until then. We will be deciding this week which songs students will perform. Students get to choose up to 2 songs that they are comfortable performing so if you hear them practicing a song they finished a while back, it's probably because they chose that song to perform. Even if they choose a song they learned a while back, we will still be working on other material as well. Performing in the recital isn't mandatory but highly encouraged. As always, we will be having 2 rehearsals beforehand to get practice performing.

You may be wondering what the heck is going on with invoicing. Okay, you probably weren't but... Invoices will be going out the first week of the month again. I held off sending them out because I wasn't sure how much I'd be able to teach in February and March due to being in Missouri taking care of my mom. I apologize for any confusion and/or inconvenience. This month's invoice will include March and April.


Summer session will be starting June first which means that students may cancel 2 lessons at no charge between June 1 - August 18th. Please let us know the dates as soon as possible if you already have your vacations booked. If you want to cancel a month or more during the summer but still hold your child's lesson day/time for the Fall, there is a fee to reserve it. Check out our Policies and Procedures on our website for details.


On a side note, how many people do you know who have the same birthday as you? I only know 2 other people with the same birthday as me. One of my student's mom (shout out to Catherine Cole) and the other is a friend in Canada. What are the chances that 3 DAMA students would have the same birthday?! WOW!

I hope you all had a fantastic Spring Break! I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures!


Denver Academy of Musical Arts Miss Michele
Denver Academy of Musical Arts Miss Michele's bench


Ready to Start? You have nothing to lose.

Sign up is easy and parent-friendly. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, and no semester minimums.  

Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


$35.00 / 30 minutes

Lessons are available six days a week, and scheduled once a week.

Denver Academy of Musical Arts has a registration fee of $25.

DAMA Logo Learn to Play - Play to Learn

Offering quality private piano, guitar,  drums, violin and voice lessons,  preschool music classes, workshops and musical summer camps. 



M-F   10am -8pm

Sat. 9am-2pm

Sun.  closed



DENVER, CO 80222


Conveniently located at the corner of E. Florida and S. Colorado Blvd.  Our entrance is in the back of the building. There's dedicated parking spaces behind the building. 

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