Twelve lucky kids will have a blast exploring Musical Arts in structured group activities centered around creativity and collaboration. Each day will be filled with fun activities such as:
Play Drums
Learn Ukulele
Learn Piano
Learn Bells
Music Trivia Games
Compose Music/Plays
Camp 1
1st & 2nd graders
June 10 - 14
Camp 2
3rd & 4th graders
June 17-21
Camp 3
5th & 6th graders
June 24 - 28
*Based on what grade your child will be in in the Fall of 2024
Playing age-appropriate musical games in
a team setting. Examples include:
Name That Tune
What Is the Next Word in the Lyrics
Who Wrote That Song?
Survey Said...
Repeat the Rhythm
Note Math
Build That Chord.

Composing music with lyrics and writing short plays to perform in teams.
There will be an emphasis on creativity and group participation. Sometimes a song or a story starts out with an idea and ends in a completely different direction. One thing is for sure: it will be fun!
Learning to sing in harmony as a group.
It's such an awesome feeling to sing in harmony and hear voices blending. Students will learn how to construct chords with their voices and experiment with various pitches with some of their favorite songs.
Group Ukulele lessons. We provide the Ukuleles so students can learn to play chords and melodies of some popular songs.

Learn trending dance moves similar to those seen on TikTok.
Popular short dance routines are fun for everyone, especially when there's
a friendly team dance competition afterwards.

Dancing 2021

Group percussion classes. Students will learn progressively challenging rhythmic patterns and have fun drumming using various instruments. Groups will prepare a short rhythm program as a team and compete with other teams.

Bells Performance

Acting classes and performance techniques.
Our instructors have theater experience and will guide students on acting techniques and strategies to get into, and stay in, character. Students will also learn how to manage nervous energy that performers feel prior to performances.
Discounted rates for kids who bring their own lunch!
Since the cost of lunches has increased dramatically this past year, we have had to increase our tuition rate slightly to help offset the cost. But we offer a discount for kids who bring their own lunch, which can bring down the tuition rate to even less than it was in past. years.
Lunch and snacks are
on us!...or bring your own

Kids do not need to be enrolled in private music lessons or a theater program in order to benefit from the camp. The basic knowledge they have from their school music program is enough to make them feel comfortable.
Full tuition rates based on the number of meals we provide:
5 meals = $410 4 meals = $402 3 meals = $394 2 meals = $386 1 meal = $378 0 meals = $370
More Info
Registration is open for summer camps on January 16, 2023. Registration will remain open until camps are full.
The cost for the week is based on the number of meals we are providing. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold the spot at the time of registration. The deposit will be applied towards the balance due. The balance is due May 15, 2023. If payment is not made by May 16, 2023, your reservation will be voided and the deposit is non-refundable. If you have paid in full prior to May 15, 2023 and need to cancel, we will refund the balance minus the $100 deposit. We accept all major credit cards and Paypal.
Students may opt to bring their own lunches, snacks and drinks. If we are providing lunch, snacks and drinks, parents will need to choose their child's food choices on the registration form. Lunches will be from local restaurants, snacks will be individually packaged, and we provide bottled water. Students are not allowed to share food or drinks with others.
If government-enforced mask mandates are in place, students and teachers will be required to wear masks, and we will practice social distancing guidelines.
Before and After care is supervised but that time will not have structured activities. Students who are dropped off between 8:30am-9:45am and picked up between 4:15pm-5:30pm are expected to wait quietly. We will show a family friendly movie or they can bring something to occupy their time quietly. The cost for before/after care is $5 per day and will be invoiced at the end of the week.
We will not release any student to a person that is not listed on their registration form -no exceptions! Anyone other than a parent picking up a student will need to show their ID.
The camps are indoors. Students should wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Denver Academy of Musical Arts does not discriminate in any of its programs, procedures, or practices on the basis of age, color, disability, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, military service, or other protected status.