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It is very expensive to put on a full production. There are licensing fees, the venue rental, costumes, props, sets, sound and lighting crews.  That is why many youth theater companies require actors to pay up to $800 each.  We believe that every child should be able to pursue their dream of being on stage, and so our fees are considerably lower.  In order to offset the costs, we ask for parent volunteers to help with costumes, make-up and sets. We also rely on ticket sales and fund raisers to help pay for the production.   

  • 10 Week Program

  • 1  rehearsal each week  4:30-6:00 (additional rehearsals the last 2 weeks of program) 

  • $425 per actor (5% discount for additional actors from the same family).

Tuition assistance may be an option based on individual circumstances. 

Youth Theater Audition Registration 

Coming Soon to Denver Academy of Musical Arts - Strings, Drums, Brass and  Woodwinds Lessons

We are excited that your child is considering joining our Youth Theater Program! 
Please give us a little more info and we will contact you soon with more details about the audition process and opportunities for production crew and volunteers. 

Has the student been in a play before?
What would the parents be willing to help with?
Audition Registration
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